Crisis Help for Students
The teenage years are extremely challenging. It can be a confusing time of raging hormones, drama among friends, and difficult questions to face. Unfortunately, there is no perfect road map you can use to help you through this time. A crisis for you may be different than for another teen. Although it may feel as if you do not recognize yourself anymore, you are still the person you have always been. Do not let others tell you differently. If you are dealing with depression, considering suicide, having mental health issues, be abusing drugs or alcohol, or a combination of the above, please contact someone for help, including your parents, as soon as possible.
Here are some links:
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255. Call anytime if you’re feeling desperate, alone or hopeless. This number will route you to the crisis center nearest you.
- Boys Town National Hotline: (800) 448-3000. This hotline serves girls too. The Boys Town National Hotline is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and staffed by specially trained counselors. They can find help with a range of issues including abuse, anger, depression, school issues, bullying etc.
- ReachOut: (800) 448-3000. This site helps teens and young adults find the information they need, reach out, tell their stories, and voice their opinions without fear of being judged or being different.
- Crisis Text Line: This line lets people reach out for support via text messaging. Text 741-741.